A team of Rice University and Lockheed Martin scientists has discovered a way to use simple silicon to radically increase the capacity of lithium-ion batteries. Watch this one, Rice University in Houston is famed for the ‘buckyball’ discovery now 25 years on for nanotechnology development and Lockheed Martin is deep into lots of high tech […]

When it comes to batteries one gets a little jaded by all the press releases and stories.  A check back to two years ago about the breakthroughs at that time shows little has come to the market.  Yet the research field is packed with innovation trying to build up more capacity and recharge cycles. The […]

The Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Graduate School has announced electrode materials made by adding lithium iron phosphate (positive-electrode material, LiFePO4) and tin oxide (negative-electrode material, SnO2), respectively, inside carbon. The new process drastically improves the performance of the materials in lithium-ion (Li-ion) rechargeable batteries by using an ultracentrifugal processing technology to add an […]

Yang Shao-Horn, an MIT associate professor of mechanical engineering and materials science and engineering has made significant progress on a technology that could lead to batteries with up to three times the energy density of any battery that currently exists. Shao-Horn said many groups have been pursuing work on lithium-air batteries, a technology that has […]

Planar Energy has received the official confirmation of engineering samples performance from the University of Central Florida that verify the company’s internal tests.  Scott Faris, President and CEO of Planar Energy says,  “This fundamental materials breakthrough, coupled with our proprietary low-cost manufacturing process, will render traditional chemical batteries obsolete.”  Bold words . . . “It […]
