University of Toronto engineers have combined two promising solar cell materials together for the first time, creating a new platform for LED technology. The team has designed a way to embed the strongly luminescent nanoparticles called colloidal quantum dots into perovskite. Researchers in The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering invented […]
Get Ready For the Ultra LED
January 9, 2013 | 3 Comments
Just when we’re all psyching up for a big race to mass-produced and falling LED prices the news has a big improvement in store. Researchers from Belgium, France, and Canada inspired by the nighttime twinkling of fireflies have been inspired to modify the light-emitting diode (LED). The firefly design is more than one and a […]
A Light Bulb Checkup
December 15, 2011 | 5 Comments
Consumer Reports’ (CR) is out with its latest light bulb tests finding which bulbs were the best performers. The question and answer format shines some light on a few of the most common questions consumers have about compact fluorescent lights, light-emitting diode, halogens and incandescent bulbs. The ratings are at the end of the article. […]
The OLED Is Coming Better Cheaper and Flexible
November 2, 2011 | 1 Comment
Regular readers know the LED and its organic OLED cousin are getting poised to compete with the compact florescent and incandescent light sources. The past few days has seen two OLED breakthroughs that are quite similar and worth a very close look. Current OLEDs are made of glass substrates and encapsulated between two layers of […]
The Incredible Shrinking LED
June 21, 2011 | 1 Comment
Many expect that LED technology is the electric light source for the future. It would be a very good bet. LEDs offer very low power consumption and long life. The current downside is the initial investment and the replacement cost projection. The economics work, but it takes years. University of Miami professor at the College […]