A Virginia Tech discovery shows an efficiency rate that is up to 25 times higher than traditional catalysts made from larger iridium structures or nanoparticles. Catalysts are materials widely used in industry to speed reactions for making gasoline, pharmaceutical drugs, and for cleaning up car exhaust. They typically contain expensive precious metals, which can make […]

A Boston College led international team of researchers has synthesized a dispersed catalyst featuring two atoms. With two atoms working they have a stable and highly active platform that could facilitate solar water oxidation for the production and storage of clean energy. The team’s research results have been published in the Proceedings of the National […]

Argonne National Laboratory scientists have recently used a new and counterintuitive approach to create a better catalyst. The new catalyst has been made to support one of the reactions involved in splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen. By first creating an alloy of two of the densest naturally occurring elements and then removing one, the […]

Researchers at Stanford and the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have developed a tough new catalyst that carries out solar-powered water molecule splitting 100 times faster. This tough new catalyst works better as time goes on and stands up to acid. Because the new catalyst requires less of the rare and costly metal iridium, it could […]
