Researchers at Kyushu University, in collaboration with Osaka University and the Fine Ceramics Center, have developed a framework that uses machine learning to speed up the discovery of materials for green energy technology. Using the new approach, the researchers identified and successfully synthesized two new candidate materials for use in solid oxide fuel cells – […]

Cornell University researchers have found a nitrogen doped carbon-coated nickel anode can catalyze an essential reaction in hydrogen fuel cells at a fraction of the cost of the precious metals currently used. The new discovery could accelerate the widespread use of hydrogen fuel cells, which hold great promise as efficient, clean energy sources for vehicles […]

Researchers from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia have demonstrated for the first time a working rechargeable “proton battery” that could re-energize how we power our homes, vehicles and devices. The working prototype proton battery uses a carbon electrode as a hydrogen store, coupled with a reversible fuel cell to produce electricity. As you’ll see, this […]

University of Delaware researchers are reporting a breakthrough that promises to bring down the cost of hydrogen fuel cells by replacing expensive platinum catalysts with cheaper ones made from metals like nickel. The transport sector – which includes passenger cars, trucks, buses, and rail, marine, and air transport – accounts for more than 20% of […]

Platinum as a catalyst is expensive, and it degrades over time, but it works great in many applications especially in hydrogen fuel cells. A Brown University chemist team has engineered a cheaper and more durable catalyst using graphene, cobalt, and cobalt-oxide – perhaps the best non platinum catalyst so far.  The team’s paper has been […]
