In six separate independent studies leading scientists from academia and industry with PhDs from prestigious universities including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the California Institute of Technology, confirm that BlackLight has achieved a technological breakthrough with its CIHT (Catalyst-Induced-Hydrino-Transition) clean energy generating process and cell. A webpage with links to the studies and the […]

Dr. Mills’ BlackLight Power hasn’t made much news for 2010.  That’s not to say they haven’t been busy there all year.  Without press releases and media notice not much attention is getting paid, so this writer is going to remedy that for the readers of this space. Most striking is the Company’s spring paper of […]

Brian Wang at the site Nextbigfuture spotted a new pdf file on the BlackLight Power site that has a wealth of information with a significant notation about the company’s progress on validation called “Updated Technical Presentation –  4/21/10.” The notation from the third page in the pdf is, “Validations and Technical Due Diligence – underway […]

The concept of a hydrino, a hydrogen atom with a reduced orbiting electron is something that Randell Mills at Blacklight Power has managed to engineer such that researchers and customers are beginning to quietly line up especially now that Rowan University has confirmed that the device yields energy output. Cal Tech’s Bernard Haisch and Colorado […]

All across the Internet this past Thursday and Friday was the announcement that Blacklight of the soon to be very famous Dr. Randell L. Mills signed its first paying customer. Based in a press release, the news sounds great to start. But the details such as payments, installation dates and other sundry items are well, […]

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