Brilliant Light Power, which we knew as Blacklight Power has developed the firm’s hydrino technology up to public demonstrations with measured and third party oversight. The known oversights include both academic and industrial representatives and now including major finance people. Dr. Randell Mills is on a roll. The firm’s website has a useful press release […]

Blacklight Power has posted two more university validations to support its assertions that the firm is making hydrinos and the hydrinos make up a part of its new solid fuel. The first work comes from Auburn University’s professor Dr. Gilbert L. Crouse, Jr. who has prepared a paper describing the replication of Dr. Mill’s work […]

Dr. Randall Mills of Blacklight Power plans a demonstration a power production device that is expected to produce 10 MW of power in a one cubic foot sized module. The Blacklight Power announcement hasn’t garnered a huge following, but there is good cause to watch and encourage the enterprise’s continued efforts. Dr. Mills is without […]
