City College of New York Grove School of Engineering released a new report which examined advanced plastic recycling. The report concluded that advanced recycling helps avoid climate impacts, reduces demand for energy resources, and offers key tools for expanding the circular economy. The report is titled “Quantitative Comparison of LCAs on the Current State of […]

Shibaura Institute of Technology researchers recently investigated the possibility of storing liquid fuel within polymeric gel networks, preventing their fast evaporation, and demonstrating good combustion performance. Liquid fuels with high energy density, though used worldwide, are dangerous to transport and store owing to their volatility, which produces explosive gas mixtures. The Institute’s researchers’ work suggests […]

University of East Anglia’s new research shows that fuel poverty makes people’s physical and mental health worse. With the U.S. administration canceling pipelines, cutting of oil and gas property leasing, pressuring finance not to loan or invest has already pressured petroleum products’ pricing way up. Add to that the Russian Federation’s new war in the […]

A new National University of Singapore study reveals that households respond to ambient air pollution by increasing electricity consumption. That in turn increases the pollution and carbon emissions that are co-produced in supplying the electricity. The study, set in Singapore, conducted by Associate Professor Alberto Salvo from the Department of Economics at the National University […]

Each year, wind turbines are responsible for the death of uncountable hundreds of thousands of airborne animals such as birds and bats. To find a constructive way out of this ”green-green” dilemma, companies building and running wind turbines might have to work together with environmental experts and conservationists. Yet a lack of trust between them […]

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