Last Thursday saw the Senate pass the Cash for Gas Guzzlers bill inside the war funding bill.  It’s a near certainty that President Obama will sign it into law.  So, its time to look and see if the cash will apply to you and whether or not you can get it done in time.  There […]

The Silver Bullet

January 2, 2009 | 4 Comments

Happy New Year! For getting you started I’m going to give you the heads up on the silver bullet for new energy and fuel that works for you, right now and always. Regular readers will know its efficiency. Use less. Now for the rest of the story as I’ve heard on the radio from Paul […]

The Argonne National Laboratory, a Chicago-based developer of new battery technologies announced that it has formed an alliance with fourteen U.S. companies to manufacture lithium ion batteries for automobiles. Developing the capability to mass manufacture advanced battery cells is expected to require investment of one to two billion dollars over the coming five years, it […]

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has released their report on the potential of combined heat and power (CHP) deployment in the U.S. and concludes that it is one of the “most proven and effective near-term energy options” available to reduce CO2 emissions, improve energy security, relieve grid congestion, make industry more […]

A year or so ago the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, a federal energy lab, found that 73% of the nation’s light vehicles could be recharged with the existing utility infrastructure if the vehicles were plugged in overnight. Such a shift from gasoline to electricity as a primary transportation fuel could displace an estimated 6.2 million […]

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