University of Michigan researchers prepared a new study purporting climate change is likely to increase U.S. electricity costs over the next century. The suggestion is it will cost billions of dollars more than economists have previously forecast. The study shows how higher temperatures will raise not just the average annual electricity demand, but more importantly, […]

He’s Back!

November 9, 2011 | 3 Comments

The grid failed due to wet snow and high winds last night about 12:55am.  So no post was made.  But what was written is now on the server to load tonight. We’re pretty busy here without the grid feeding 7500 volts to the transformer.  An 8 hp 4000 watt gasoline generator is powering this writing […]

For the scientifically adept and honest people global warming is a huge embarrassment.  Not only have the main base perpetrators been caught but also the institutions that house their activities have gone deep into the coverup.  It’s just too much money to let integrity rule their actions.  The global warming scheme has tens of thousands […]

November 20, 2009 is a date that will last for generations as a historical moment for the truth. Hackers, corrupters of another sort cracked into the leading European university where its server was holding thousands of emails and data that has unraveled the credibility of the human caused global warming scare.  Now much, but not […]

It’s coming apart, CO2 as the culprit destroying the atmosphere’s insulating properties, so heating up the planet to a runaway greenhouse like Venus, has the accusations’ bits and parts getting ditched.  A couple weeks ago there was a scandal about how an invited counter view was handled at the American Physical Society and just hours […]

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