Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) has announced the first 200 liters of synthetic fuel have now been produced from solar energy and the air’s carbon dioxide by KIT’s SOLETAIR project, a type of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. The mobile chemical pilot plant can be used decentrally producing gasoline, diesel, and kerosene from regenerative hydrogen and carbon dioxide. […]

An EU-funded SOLAR-JET project at notable research organizations from academia through to industry (ETH Zürich, Bauhaus Luftfahrt, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), ARTTIC and Shell Global Solutions) has successfully demonstrated the entire production chain for renewable aviation kerosene obtained directly from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. The new EU process has also the […]

The Van’t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) has sent out their press release announcing the discovery and design of a catalyst to build synthetic fuels from natural gas and biomass using the Fischer-Tropsch process.  The catalyst has already been patented by the Total S.A. oil and gas company.  This […]

A team of Princeton researchers led by Christodoulos Floudas, a professor of chemical and biological engineering at Princeton, evaluated scenarios in which the United States could power its vehicles with synthetic fuels rather than relying on oil.  The team’s conclusion is the U. S. could eliminate the need for crude oil by using a combination […]

Dr. Albin Czernichowski, a professor with the University of Orleans, France, presented two papers at the American Chemical Society meeting in San Francisco on Monday detailing a GlidArc reactor that uses electrically-charged clouds of gas called “plasmas” to produce in three steps super-clean fuels from waste materials. Dr. Czernichowski said, “Low-tech and low cost are […]
