Singlet Fission in Solar Cells Gains Credence
July 10, 2014 | Leave a Comment
Scientists have reviewed chemists’ work on “singlet fission,” a process in which a single photon generates a pair of excited states. Singlet fission as a 1->2 conversion process has the potential to boost solar cell efficiency by as much as 30 percent. Chemists at the University of California, Riverside published a perspective article published last […]
Looking For a Better Plastic Solar Cell
August 17, 2011 | 1 Comment
Lehigh University physicists Ivan Biaggio, professor of physics, and Pavel Irkhin, a Ph.D. candidate, have developed an imaging technique that makes it possible to directly observe light-emitting excitons as they diffuse in a new material that is being explored for its extraordinary electronic properties. The problem for low cost plastic based solar cells the absorption […]
New Materials For Low Cost Solar Cells
October 14, 2010 | 2 Comments
Just this Monday past we saw that North Carolina State researchers had zeroed in on just what is holding up the exciton in a polymer photovoltaic solar cell. Then as if by serendipity Rutgers let loose their announcement they have found a new material. Rutgers physicists have discovered new properties in a material that could […]