Professor Alexander Parkhomov of Lomonosov Moscow State University has published a paper describing his successful replication of Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat LENR or cold fusion device. It seems Parkhomov managed to acquire enough working data from Swedish and Italian academics to execute an experimental replication that offers data showing 2.74 more energy out than put in. […]

Yesterday Sterling D. Allan of PESN and Frank Acland of E-CatWorld conducted a one and a half hour interview with Andrea Rossi hosted by Gary Hendershot on his SmartScarecrow service regarding developments in the E-Cat technology based on the cold fusion technology called “LENR” for Low Energy Nuclear Reaction. SmartScarecrow has chat room where people […]

The first folks to put up money for the Andrea Rossi E-Cat are the territorial distributors.  Whatever any of us might think, these folks have the wherewithal and fortitude to get in for the business future.  What the business might turn out to be is still quite the item for discussion, but 150 years ago […]

Andrea Rossi, the inventor and organizer of the E-Cat LENR or cold Fusion thermal energy production device has a new problem.  It looks like another tempest of vague grounds. Steven Krivit, the sometimes to some folks notorious writer of heavily biased opinion on cold fusion and once in a while other energy fields broke out […]

Andrea Rossi, the inventor and energy behind the E-Cat was interviewed by Gary Hendershot and Sterling Allan for the Smart Scarecrow Show last Saturday the 14th of January 2012.  The headline remark was Mr. Rossi has sent prototypes to the Underwriters Laboratories (UL).  As best can be determined, that remark is in the past tense. […]

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