A Cold Fusion Update

August 6, 2013 | 8 Comments

The University of Missouri hosted this years International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF) with the largest event being the Defkalion Demonstration.  The short description is the Defkalion reactor functioned satisfactorily. The ICCF ran over five days with an impressive group of experimentalists, theorists and engineers attending.  The list of presenters was also impressive, with talks […]

Ny Teknik’s Mats Lewan has interviewed Alexandros Xanthoulis a representative of the investors supporting Defkalion about the firm’s shall we say, Ni+H=E, LENR or Cold Fusion technology independent testing protocol. On the Defkalion website the report has it said, “Tests with the presence of high level (Greek) government officials have been concluded. Opinions and results […]

Last week at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Electrical Engineering Prof. Peter Hagelstein taught an Independent Activities Period course titled “Cold Fusion 101: Introduction to Excess Power in Fleischmann-Pons Experiments.”  For many, the news that an MIT professor holding a cold fusion class at MIT is astonishing because decades ago former MIT people went […]

The Praxen Defkalion Green Technologies Global Ltd. (PDGT) firm that was and then wasn’t a partner with Andrea Rossi in marketing the E-Cat LENR reactor has announced the permitting of third party evaluations of their product named “Hyperion”.  PDGT had for a time an opportunity to learn what Rossi has accomplished and since is proposing […]

The coming year has some momentum from 2011 in fields that have high potential.  Cold Fusion, better called LENR or Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, fuel cells and small fusion all have prospects that may well give us peak lab results and even some market exposure. The most interesting and controversial is LENR, the better description […]
