Hydrogen Production From Bacteria Discovered
November 12, 2015 | Leave a Comment
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) scientists have discovered that Cyanothece 51142, a type of bacteria also called blue-green algae, draws on a second source of energy, using sunlight and water directly to make hydrogen. Researchers already knew that 51142 makes hydrogen by drawing upon sugars that it has stored during growth. Finding that the organism […]
A Swiss Army Knife For Genetic Engineering Cyanobacteria
September 23, 2015 | Leave a Comment
Michigan State University (MSU) researchers have built a synthetic protein that acts as a molecular Swiss Army knife that streamlines the molecular machinery of cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria, what we usually think of as blue-green algae, is a base line research microorganism for making biofuels and other green chemical products. The Michigan State team has done in […]
Cyanobacteria Closes in On Algae for Fuel Production
September 28, 2012 | 1 Comment
Arizona State University scientists have developed a new method that relies on heat to improve the yield and lower the costs of high-energy biofuels production from cyanobacteria. ASU has also been at the forefront of algae research for renewable energy production. ASU has run a dual role since 2007 with support from federal, state and […]
Designing Better Plants for Food and Fuels
May 16, 2011 | 1 Comment
Michigan State University researcher David Kramer a Hannah Distinguished Professor of Photosynthesis and Bioenergetics leads an effort to improve fuel and food producing plants saying, “This is critical since it’s the process that powers all of life in our ecosystem. The efficiency of photosynthesis, and our ability to improve it, is critical to whether the […]
Going For Green Jet Fuel
September 17, 2010 | 13 Comments
Of all the petroleum uses flight is the one where energy density, the weight of a fuel per the energy within, is crucial for performance. At about 8% of the total use of petroleum, aviation fuel is a clear target. Two biofuel companies are headed for taking a share from fossil oil. So far many […]