Al Fin led Thursday with a post on CoolPlanet Energy along with GreenCarCongress all seeming to be based from a press release handled at BusinessWire. The points for this post are a look at the investors and the biofuel technology.  Big Oil is very interested with some serious money now loaded into CoolPlanet.  At the […]

For nearly a year and two hundred plus posts we’ve looked at the leading edges of the energy and fuels context coming at us.  The leading one for half a century is petroleum and its not going away.  With fusion, man made alternatives, solar and geothermal in an even longer list, the one we need […]

Big Oil is much smarter than people think.  By Big Oil this writer means the free world’s independent oil companies.  For those watching, Big Oil has been shifting the publicly visible emphasis to natural gas and enhanced recovery investment.  The Axis of Oil, the countries between free Big Oil and the organized national oil companies […]
