A Penn State led team of international researchers has taken the first step in converting methane directly to electricity using bacteria, in a way that could be done near natural gas drilling sites. Thomas K. Wood, holder of the biotechnology endowed chair and professor of chemical engineering at Penn State explains one motive, “Currently, we […]

University of Kent scientists have discovered how bacteria make a component that facilitates converting carbon dioxide (CO2) into methane gas for energy use. Recycling CO2 back into energy has immense potential for making these emissions useful rather than a major factor in global warming. So far the bacteria called methanogens, that can convert CO2 into […]

University of New South Wales (UNSW) researchers have discovered a way to produce tenfold the amount of methane gas by naturally occurring microbes living in coal seams and on food waste. The innovation could make more natural gas available by extending the lifespan and increasing the number of coal seam gas wells, as well as […]

Researchers at Kazan University collaborating with their peers from Stanford University are working on catalysts that provide combustion during the heavy oil recovery process. The catalysts developed by the group have already shown promising results in lab tests, and the work is continuing. Kazan University’s Dr, Andrey Galukhin won a grant for this particular work […]

The DOE’s Center for Energy Studies at Rice University has finally reported studying the macro effects of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports. The report is helpful if not exactly specific. It depends on the type of consumer. Follow along to get an idea of where you might fit. Kenneth Medlock, senior director for the Center […]

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