The American Chemical Society is reporting, with open access, in ACS Central Science a new catalyst that is really the best of both worlds. Taking water and ripping it apart into hydrogen and oxygen could form the basis of artificial photosynthetic devices that could ultimately power homes and businesses. However, catalysts, including those used to […]

A University of Cologne team of researchers has presented proposals for the traffic management of the future, offering a dynamic and fair toll for road use that could reduce congestion. This is something urban folks might or might not look forward to. In the current issue of Nature, the economists Peter Cramton, Axel Ockenfels (both […]

University of Tokyo physicists have discovered a new way to generate electricity in special materials called Weyl magnets. The method exploits temperature gradients, differences in temperature throughout a material. The technology could offer new designs for maintenance-free remote sensing devices or even medical implants. Professor Satoru Nakatsuji of the Institute for Solid State Physics said, […]

A University of Nebraska-Lincoln team has engineered bacterium producing 46 percent more hydrogen per cell than a naturally occurring form of the same species. The research team’s highest reported yield – 5.7 units of hydrogen for every unit of glucose fed to the bacterium – easily surpassed the longstanding theoretical limit of 4 units. Back […]

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