Dr. Randall Mills of Blacklight Power plans a demonstration a power production device that is expected to produce 10 MW of power in a one cubic foot sized module.

Blacklight SunCell Power Module Clock Diagram

Blacklight SunCell Power Module Clock Diagram. Click image for the largest view.

The Blacklight Power announcement hasn’t garnered a huge following, but there is good cause to watch and encourage the enterprise’s continued efforts. Dr. Mills is without doubt an accomplished academic with impressive skills. His curiosity has taken him to highly controversial fields and, if his ideas are taken solemnly, may well introduce us to a new scientific field. His controversy is based in a new form of hydrogen that has been made into “hydrinos”.

By Dr. Mills estimation, the hydrino is a discovery with immense potential for the future. So far, Dr, Mills has managed to involve some power producers and set up some future sales.

In lay terms Dr. Mills is remaking the hydrogen atom into a hydrino and using the hydrino for power production activities. For decades the theory Dr, Mills had worked out has been investigated to seek the engineering means to take what is nearly free, the hydrogen in water and returning a valuable power source.

This year has seen Blacklight post videos that are admittedly deep in expertise that will leave most folks bewildered. The net result to date is Blacklight has figured out how to extract hydrogen, make the hydrinos, create a sold fuel from them and ignite them into a vigorous plasma ball.

The plasma ignition itself offers a considerable blast of energy in heat and light. The Blacklight team has been working at feeding the plasma into a magnetohydrodyamic converter, then directly into electricity, in a clean and safe way. This effort entails some significant challenges that are yet to be fully met.

The Blacklight folks came to realize that the greatest energy output of the process comes in the form of intense light. That adds the potential for using photovoltaic solar cells as a way to harvest the plasma’s energy output. Some of the photovoltaic cell research has been directed to concentrated solar energy where 100s and even 1000s of times the power of the sun are delivered to photocells.

The light to photocell harvest looks like it may be enough to self drive the module with extra energy to use outside the module system. The only input would be water.

Naturally there are estimates and claims, most of which are simply not going to work out. Some will be close, others just left behind. But a few are very interesting.

In the money segment Dr. Mills’ idea might supercede and obsolete nuclear power in both the fission and fusion fields. As well as crush the need for most fuels. If the capital cost estimates are even remotely close, with approximately $100/kW suggested, capital for electrical power would drop by 90%. The price of power at the module would be $0.001 per kwh (10th of a cent per kilowatt hour).

Nothing else comes anywhere close to that.

The mechanical segment looks very challenging. Its an enormous amount of energy in a very small space. Plasma is basically electrons and positively charged ions that is going to dissipate no matter what. Capturing all of it and rendering it to useful power isn’t going to be easy or low cost. Letting it get away uncontrolled would be a serious mechanical problem. It would be like a huge welding arc bouncing around looking for a way to ground out.

On the other hand plasma is rather nice. The energy is in the zone of the infrared that’s useful as heat on up to the ultraviolet in the photovoltaic region. Plasma offers very little harmful radiation and no radioactivity. The determined paranoid folks are going have problems worrying about this kind of technology.

Naturally the main question for now is Blacklight for real? For many in the physics field the answer is no. But Dr. Mills is a formidable intelligence. Much of what he’s offered seems to be coming to fruition. Blacklight is getting funded and you can be sure that the investors are getting an inside view none of us are ever going to see.

With many hours over the years invested in observing and trying to understand what Dr. Mills is proposing your humble writer on principle accepts the hydrino theory subject to experimentation. So far third party experimentation has been lacking. For proprietary reasons and academic intransigence, that is understandable.

That leaves it up to the investors. There has been a lot of money put on the line by no fools. It would be no surprise to see a working device for sale in the coming years.

It will take longer than expected. The device, now named the “SunCell” has some major engineering and design matters to work out.

Blacklight has Dr. Randall Mills leading it and that one fact suggests that someday there will be Blacklight Power units in use.


28 Comments so far

  1. Jon Apple on July 18, 2014 8:31 AM

    For years Dr. Mills has been ridiculed and lambasted by the scientific community. Every effort to tell the world of his findings have been snuffed out by those that should be listening, encouraging and promoting. Ego’s have truly gotten in the way of scientific advancement. The saddest part is, with a little help from outside concerns, the Hydrino Ecomony could have been realized years ago. Instead Black Light Power has persevered and gone at it alone. Perhaps, in the end, this will be looked at as a good thing, for those that will suffer from cheap and abundant energy won’t be able to stop it.

  2. Pius Zaleski on July 18, 2014 4:40 PM

    The folks at Blacklight are a determined bunch of scientists. Their determination is based on the following.

    The success of the theory in solving many intractable problems facing modern physics and the validation of the theory in their lab experiments.

    These two things have kept them at it for many years. They have incrementally improved the manner in which the can commercially exploit the energy released by the “Blacklight Process”. That is, the energy released when causing Hydrogen to form fraction states.

    Three different approaches to harnessing the energy produced by the process have been accomplished; a thermal-based system (with replication), an electro-chemical system (with replications) and an ignition based system.

    Each has faced challenges with regard to commercialization. The thermal system faced large capital costs to retrofit existing power plants. The electrochemical system had relatively low power density and the cost of cell component development to increase the same. It may well be that both of these earlier systems may yet find a revival of interest when the ignition-based system successfully demonstatrates the process works as claimed. Each may well have its place as the technology is adopted.

    However, the ignition-based system using solid fuels has both the best power density of the threee systems developed, as well as, the lowest barrier to produce working units. Most of the components and engineering exist and have relatively low capital cost.

    Only when a working device is in the market will detractors have to address the science behind the developments. Until then, they will be no serious consideration given to the extraordinary amount of work and evidence which Blacklight has amassed. I for one am happy to wait and will enjoy the discourse which ensues then.

    Until then

  3. Matt Musson on July 21, 2014 7:57 AM

    I would be an idiot if I believed that our current accepted physical world view was complete and there was nothing left to discover. Blacklight may have actually discovered something amazing here.

    However, it seems that a lot of these discoveries are harder to commercialize than people originally estimate.

  4. Becktemba on July 22, 2014 12:57 PM

    Only thing I have to say is “Hurry up and get a working prototype out”

    People want to see that it actually works overtime and that it is safe.

    That is it.

  5. dmm on July 22, 2014 3:49 PM

    Sorry, but this is crap. Ignore all the wand-waving distractions about hydrinos and new physics. This charlatan is claiming to extract H from water (H2O), then combine it with atmospheric O to produce water, and get a net positive energy output from this cycle.

  6. Mark on July 25, 2014 2:41 PM

    What an odd and uninformed comment from dmm. Mills is not claiming to combine hydrogen and oxygen in order to get a net positive energy output. He is claiming that he is taking hydrogen from water, putting it to a lower electron energy state (as hydrino), ultimately causing a release of light energy that is virtually identical to the sun’s blackbody radiation curve. The waste product is low energy hydrino gas which escapes into the atmosphere and is eventually lost into space.

  7. dfnj2006 on July 25, 2014 8:10 PM

    One thing has been consistent: Nature always turns out to be much stranger than anything we could ever imagine!

  8. dmm on July 28, 2014 1:05 PM

    1) I stand corrected. 2) This is even wackier than I thought. a) Mills is claiming to obtain his energy by putting electrons into a lower energy state than their ground state. Note that this “hydrino” state has never been detected during a century of spectroscopy. b) Meanwhile, the hydrogen is supposedly ALSO forming a plasma, meaning the protons and electrons are separated.

  9. Craig B on July 29, 2014 3:56 AM

    dfnj2006 says: One thing has been consistent: Nature always turns out to be much stranger than anything we could ever imagine!

    I say: another thing has been consistent. Mills takes in money and never produces anything of value in return. Human gullibility and greed always turn out to be much stronger than anything we could ever imagine!

  10. Jon apple on July 29, 2014 3:44 PM

    CraigB, Do you have any idea what it costs to develop a technology like this? Like anything else that would rival the importance of this, millions of dollars and a number of years. Dr. Mills isn’t swindling investors and then pocketing their money. He has, and always has had huge expenses. Hundred of thousands of dollars a year of salaried scientists that are necessary to advance such a huge undertaking. Just look through BLP’s web site, checkout the shear amount of scientific paper work that have been written by its staff. Randy doesn’t have the luxury of your tax dollars and he doesn’t have a university backing him with grad students looking for things to do. Can you just imagine the equipment needed to varify and advance a new technology like this? You can see it on many of the shots posted on the site. That equipment is real, I’ve been there and put eyes on it.

    On the other hand Billions of your tax dollars have been spent on Hot fusion, which has basically gotten us nowhere and is exactly why opponents of Hydrinos have spent many years, much time and if time is money, a lot of money fighting this. Their comments have been extolled on Wikipedia. When the truth comes out their funding drys up, it’s as simple as that.

  11. Jon A on July 30, 2014 8:43 PM

    CraigB, Do you have any idea what it costs to develop a technology like this? Like anything else that would rival the importance of this, millions of dollars and a number of years. Dr. Mills isn’t swindling investors and then pocketing their money. He has, and always has had huge expenses. Hundred of thousands of dollars a year of salaried scientists that are necessary to advance such a huge undertaking. Just look through BLP’s web site, checkout the shear amount of scientific paper work that have been written by its staff. Randy doesn’t have the luxury of your tax dollars and he doesn’t have a university backing him with grad students looking for things to do. Can you just imagine the equipment needed to varify and advance a new technology like this? You can see it on many of the shots posted on the site. That equipment is real, I’ve been there and put eyes on it.

    On the other hand billions of your tax dollars have been spent on Hot fusion, which has basically gotten us nowhere and is exactly why opponents of Hydrinos have spent many years, much time and if time is money, a lot of money fighting this. Their comments have been extolled on Wikipedia. When the truth comes out their funding drys up, it’s as simple as that.

  12. Thomas Wamm on July 30, 2014 9:19 PM

    dmm, you are jumping to erroneous conclusions. Spend at least an hour drilling down into the blacklightpower.com website before spouting off. This is new science for most people. Hydrinos are dark matter, which do not interact with electromagnetic radiation, and are therefore undetectable by spectroscopy. However, the formation of hydrinos (dark matter) from normal atomic hydrogen is detectable, and Mills is now an expert at this. The SunCell reaction (hydrogen to hydrinos) ionizes everything nearby, including non-hydrogen components of the fuel, plus some residual hydrogen. The light is released as all the plasma cools down.

  13. VelvetPoster on August 1, 2014 8:33 PM

    Would it be possible to use transparent aluminum as the conducting disks rather than copper? This way the light from the hydrogen releasing energy would be unimpeded by the surrounded mechanism.

  14. PaulWombat on August 19, 2014 6:21 PM

    re: transparent aluminum:
    “Whilst the invisible effect lasted for only an extremely brief period – an estimated 40 femtoseconds – it demonstrates that such an exotic state of matter can be created using very high power X-ray sources.”

    Read more at: http://phys.org/news167925273.html#jCp

  15. Thomas Hewlett on August 20, 2014 5:42 PM

    I have studied your theory since I first found it about 1995 or1996 on the internet. Iwas willing to buy one of the first copies of your book.I feel like for the first time I have a grasp of the physical world and how it works. Inoticed that you have not throwen out the work of earlier giants of physics, but built on and expanded their work.
    Thanks, Dr. Millsfor the work you have done.
    Tom Hewlett

  16. Jaan Suurküla on August 21, 2014 1:10 AM

    Since an early stage I have followed Blacklight. A most impressive thing about the theory is that it has a highly superior predictive power compared to Quantum Physics, indicating that it is probably a more realistic representation of reality.
    See my article “Hydrino power superior to nuclear Energy?” https://hydrogenicpower.wordpress.com/

    Along with the validation of the application of the theory by third party scientific institutes, this provides good reasons to take BlackLightPower seriously.

  17. William Jennings on December 16, 2014 12:39 AM

    I am hoping Blacklight Power (BLP) has a viable technology. I live in Anchorage, AK. In Alaska we have an indigenous bunch of folks that some times pay more than their mortgages each month than for heat and electricity. That’s helped in creating a rather hopeless situation for them. With no hope, i.e. future, many of them have turned to gratification of the more immediate type. Drugs, sex and rock and roll. The resultant has been the highest national rates of rape, suicide, domestic abuse, substance abuse, etc. I cannot verify BLP’s claims nor can I verify the claims made of the indigenous natives of my state. I do have faith in the reports on the natives, that I cannot see as anything short of very credible.
    But what about the uncharted territory claimed by BLP, Rossi and others, what credence might I give them. Well that they spent years of their lives and a great portion of their treasure in their endeavors. Still, might this might be incompetence, wishful thinking or, yes, Fraud.
    But also there are their professional Validators, I am I to believe the Scientist and engineers that have their reputations on the line sold out for a few shekels. It has happened before I am sure, but rarely. Then there are the investors. Have you read the list of the board of directors of BLP. These are not people easily fouled or fooled. Still it is possible that they have been fooled or that they merely wish to be in on one of the greatest frauds in history. What about the electrical utility in New Mexico and the large Canadian power conglomerate that have committed funds toward future generating capacity. All together BLP reports commitments for 8.25Gw in generating capacity. That’s a lot of power or a lot of fooling.
    yep. I come down as about a 95% “Believer”, but ready to switch churches at the drop of a hat.
    I have never seen substantiation of fraud. I have not seen a report of legal action against Mills or BLP. That does not mean it isn’t out there. If you have something please post a reference if you have it. I don’t even care if someone filed suit and lost, I will look into it. There are many cases lost on a mere technicality or lost because of politics or the claimant not having enough money to hire top legal council. You see, I plan on pursuing this with people who can make it happen, if it can happen. Skepticism is valid, even necessary, but it wont stop a 13 year old girl from committing suicide after being raped.

  18. ken on December 30, 2014 12:51 AM

    To the people who took the time to read the research on blacklight power website I say awesome! You understand the strait forward facts. The black body light in Milliseconds is enough to power the lights from photovoltaic for a few seconds. This is proof that something is going on. Mills is working with CPV (concentrated photo voltaic) manufacturers to match his black body light not to mention the ir light that’s coming from the plasma its even bigger than you could imagine. photovoltaic are made to work off of the suns black body on the surface of the earth. Mills plasma its 10,000-75,000 times the sun on the surface of the earth. Mills has been tweeking the solid fuel also so it’s hard to say what they have achieved.

  19. Mark on December 30, 2014 10:44 AM

    To Ken: Undeniable “proof that something is going on” would be seeing significantly more electrical energy generated by the (light generating) detonations than is going into generating the detonations. We have yet to see this. Mills has said recently on his Society of Classical Physics Yahoo Group forum that he is not inclined to reveal details of their progress thus far, although he did say he is pleased with it. However he did release one specific bit of information: only about one tenth (if I recall that figure correctly) of the amount of water is required to produce the same energy output as previous.

  20. Cindy C. on March 20, 2015 1:24 PM

    Mark, I believe that’s correct. They are now saying that the same output can be achieved by capturing the humidity from the atmosphere. Can you imagine that? I am eagerly following this work and praying that Dr. Mills is the real deal. His credentials are most impressive. My cousin is a Doctor of Physics who works for Wright Patterson. Let’s just say that he is optimistic. And the funding is more impressive than anyone even knows. I honestly expect the naysayers to be silenced from what I’m hearing. The problem with the scientific community today is that they have allowed themselves to believe that they already know everything. My cousin says that there’s the physical laws we know… And then there’s what we don’t yet know. He’s the type who will make new discoveries. The others won’t. But wait and see how many claim that they believed in Dr Mill’s work after the fact.

  21. Mark on March 20, 2015 2:06 PM

    Cindy that is good to know about your cousin. I bet his PhD was not in quantum physics however! Mills essentially says quantum mechanics is wrong and he instead uses classical physical laws to explain and predict atomic phenomena, based primarily on his model of the electron.

    I suppose it is natural: If something makes it into university textbooks it is deemed essentially correct. This is especially so if the particular subject is two generations old. Most people don’t realize that Erwin Schroodinger, the inventor of the main equation of quantum mechanics, came to say about quantum mechanics, “I don’t like it, and I’m sorry I had anything to do with it.” I bet that’s not included in the QM curriculum!

    So paradoxically, it was Randall Mills returning to the *old* physical laws we knew before quantum mechanics which is resulting in this *new* discovery, that there are electron energy levels below that of the ground state of hydrogen.

    Cheers to the successful development of the SunCell, may it come sooner than later.

  22. Fred Z on March 27, 2015 9:24 PM

    Dr. Shelby Brewer died on March 15, 2015, at the age of 78. He was one of Blacklight Power’s biggest supporters (www.blacklightpower.com/theory-2/book/brewer-review). Too bad he never got to see a commercially viable device, although Blacklight Power has managed to waste $100 million of other people’s money. Hydrinos forever!

  23. Jaan Suurküla on March 28, 2015 12:15 AM

    Fred Z is very unfair in saying that BLP has been able to “waste” other peoples money. The amount used is normal for the development of a completely revolutionary technology starting from scratch. It is unfair to say that the money has been wasted considering that a functioning prototype with very impressive parameters has been developed.

    Your mean comment indicates that you represent the oil or nuclear energy lobby that has been doing everything possible to cast doubts on BLP in very ugly and unscientific ways.

    If BLP would have received the powerful public financing it seems to deserve due to its preliminary results, we would have had it up an going. But the “friends” of Fred Z are doing everything to block it so as to ensure that traditional polluting, and comparatively very ineffective energy generation can survive. What a shame!

  24. Mark on March 28, 2015 8:52 AM

    At least Shelby Brewer got to see the beginnings of the SunCell, which is leaps and bounds above what Blacklight Power had achieved before in terms of power, fuel catalyst regeneration and controllability.

    As Jaan says, this amount of money is normal for such a brand new technology. The fact that Dr. Mills runs a successful business, originates (massive) theory and software (Millsian), leads and publishes substantial amounts of experiments, originates new energy technology and raises investment capital is testimony to perhaps the greatest renaissance man of our time.

  25. Jaan Suurküla on March 28, 2015 10:13 AM

    Yes Mark, I completely agree. And his persistence is heroic facing all the mean and unjustified attacks from scientists who either are unusually stupid, incompetent, or more probably severely corrupt. Some have been crushed under less pressure.

    I recommend potential investors to read my blog why I think he deserves two Nobel Prizes: https://hydrogenicpower.wordpress.com/

    I am writing it in a way that the layman will understand. You will do a great favor to mankind of you invest into BLP, and the shares will no doubt take off dramatically when the functioning prototype is presented. But don’t put all money in the basket – we don’t know what the powerful oil-coal-nuclear energy lobby can do to suppress it.

  26. Paul Zigouras on April 1, 2015 10:51 PM

    Randell Mills has been running BlackLight Power since 1991, when he claimed we was “less than six months away” from a working product.

    It’s been almost 25 years since then (and several hundred million dollars later), and he is not even close to having a working device. He changed direction five times (that I know of) over the years and he still has not proven his theory — except in his book.

    Technology has come a long way in the past 25 years… if this lower energy state really did exist, we would have found it by now. Probably many times over.

  27. Jaan Suurküla on April 2, 2015 12:43 AM

    Is this a kind of April 1 joke?

    You reveal a tremendous ignorance of the difficulties of implementing a new invention.

    At the moment of insight it may seem so simple to implement, and one tends to underestimate the time and coste it will take and difficulties to create a viable solution – I know it from personal experience.

    The time and development costs are pretty normal for an invention that is completely revolutionary.

    It is a completely invalid counterargument that he has changed the design four times. Often revolutionary inventions have gone through many more “metamorphoses” – it would have been disturbing if changes had not been made.

    At every change significant improvements very achieved, especially with the transition to using sun cells – an ingenious idea because it enabled the use of already well tested, mass produced and cheap technology.

    His theory has been validated at an exceptional extent, see my blogg. The diagram at the homepage is based on key components of the theory. Therefore the result not only confirms the theory but proves its great superiority over Quantum Mechanics.

    Moreover six independent top labs have confirmed the predictions made by the theory.

    If you are honest, please stop confusing people with comments that you are not competent to make.

    Do read my blog carefully. https://hydrogenicpower.wordpress.com/

    Dr Jaan

  28. Mark on April 2, 2015 9:01 AM

    Jaan, one has to be a qualified investor to invest in Blacklight, and I’m not in that league. Regarding suppression, I can’t envision how that could happen. Mill’s ‘problem’ is that he is ignored by academia. The late Eugene Mallove said the problem with new energy such as hydrinos and cold fusion is not from suppression by the energy industry, but by the stigma arising from the government funded academia complex against anything that threatens academic dogma. He experienced that first hand working at Stanford University.

    Paul Z, yes Mills has been overly optimistic about commercialization when he hits upon a new method to generate hydrino. And yes he has changed direction about five times. But get into the nitty gritty. Why has he changed direction? It is not because the hydrino doesn’t exist or that anomalous energy isn’t generated. It is because of problems with power output (too low), maintaining the reaction (reaction quenching) , or retrieval of the catalyst.

    The SunCell direction apparently does not suffer these problems. How do you know he is “not even close” to a working device? Are you privy to information from the engineering firm that Blacklight is working with?

    Hydrino is not trivial to find. You have to know what to look for, and how.
    For instance in one of the more recent papers we have this:

    “The predicted molecular hydrino H2(1/4) was identified as a product of CIHT cells by MAS 1 H NMR, electron-beam excitation emission spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and photoluminescence emission spectroscopy.”

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