Brian Wang put up two posts today [(1) + (2)] that link to what should seen as seminal events in the basic view of LENR (low energy nuclear reactions). Time passing as more hard credence evolves into research and the results, will show us which of the various physics are the activities of nature in […]

A liquid nitrogen powered engine could provide an energy storage alternative to batteries and fuel cells.   Such an engine is driven by the pressure created as liquid nitrogen (LN2) returns to its gas form and could provide a way of powering a vehicle with a longer range and faster refueling than a battery without producing […]

Natural gas needs to be very tightly compressed and cooling to very cold temperatures will help to get worthwhile volumes suitable for transport use. Those pressures and temperatures pose high levels of engineering and materials quality compared to a simple gasoline tank.  But the payoff for a low cost low-pressure ambient natural gas storage solution […]

Silicon and printed dye photovoltaic may have a new competitor soon. At Washington University in St. Louis’s Photosynthetic Antenna Research Center (PARC) one scientific team has just succeeded in making a crucial photosystem component – a light-harvesting antenna – from scratch. The new antenna is modeled on the chlorosome found in green bacteria. We may […]

Lawrenceville Plasma Physics has announced that their lab device FF-1 has run off five shots in succession. For most of us the idea that a new gizmo doesn’t just run is an anomalous thought.  But builders of the hardware of new ideas are usually faced with a series of mountainous climbs to get from an […]

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