With little fanfare Andrea Rossi’s Leonardo Corporation Inc., of the state New Hampshire, in the U.S. through EFA- Energia da Fonti Alternative srl, of Italy has terminated Praxen Defkalion Green Technologies Ltd. of Cyprus rights for the production of the Rossi E-Cat.

The text of the press release is as follows with minor edits:

Bologna-Rome (Italy) August 4th 2011

EFA- Energia da Fonti Alternative srl, the Italian Company through which the rights for the production of Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat were granted to Praxen Defkalion Green Technologies LTD, publicly announces that the License and Technology Transfer Agreement between the two companies has been recently terminated. All business relationships with Praxen, the Cyprus based company that owns the Greek company Defkalion Green Technologies S.A., have been cancelled and as of today neither Praxen nor Defkalion, nor any other Greek company whatsoever holds any rights for the production of the E-Cat or for any other exploitation of Andrea Rossi’s technology.

Furthermore Andrea Rossi and EFA announce that no information, nor industrial secret, nor any technology whatsoever has been neither transferred, nor disclosed, neither to Praxen, nor to Defkalion, nor to any other Greek company whatsoever and currently Andrea Rossi and EFA are not planning to deal with any other project in Greece.

Not one single test, of the many demonstrations of the E-Cat technology held around the world, has ever been done in Greece and no E-Cat has ever been brought, produced, or assembled in the territory of the Hellenic Republic: so not only the technology is still fully owned by Andrea Rossi’s company, Leonardo Corporation, but it still remains a well preserved industrial secret.

Any declaration or public announcement of third parties claiming possession of rights on the E-Cat technology and/or inside knowledge of said technology, as well as any statement of third parties in conflict with the above facts shall be considered a fake and treated as misleading information.

Andrea Rossi is the inventor of the “Method and Apparatus for carrying out Nickel and Hydrogen Exothermal reactions” (known to the general public as E-Cat) for which international patent demand no. WO2009/125444 is pending and Italian Patent office has already been issued on April 6th, 2011 the final patent no. 0001387256.

EFA Energia da Fonti Alternative s.r.l. is incorporated in Italy.
Leonardo Corporation is incorporated in New Hampshire, USA.

EFA srl- Via Marsili 4- 40124 Bologna- Italy

It seems the leading edge of news coming from Mr. Rossi is at The Journal of Nuclear Physics.   Since the press release news posted there, several pertinent questions came in. The opener is what happened – which Mr. Rossi is leaving to a trial and a judge to work out.  As noted by commenters here, not much of anything has happened in Greece, which would be reason enough.

Sterling Allan who runs the site PESN asked about a U.S. site, to which Mr. Rossi replied, “I confirm that our 1 MW plant will be put in operation in the USA, after an agreement we made last week with one of the most important entities of the USA; the tests will be made by the highest level scientists you can think of. I cannot give the names, until after the test. To the test will attend the highest-level scientific journalists I know.”  What is meant or who that might could be is anyone’s guess.

Following up Mr. Rossi added that the U.S. plant is expected to start up in October – that’s the same timing as the Cypriot – Greek deal.

As a practical matter we know little more than last week except that Mr. Rossi has had enough of the Praxen Dekaflion folks and is leaving them in the dust.  Deals do go bad, and its obvious that Mr. Rossi is under some public pressure now.  Its far better to leave non or under performing deals behind.

The flip side is, so far as we know, Rossi’s own interests are funding the U.S. plant. That takes some of the scam and fraud notions off the table.  If the proposed ‘tests’ are passed by the interested parties, who it would seem ought to have enough due diligence and scientific know how to discover any irregularities, any agreements or information coming out should be of high quality.

It’s the second week of August with about 3 months to go to the end of October.  Odds are Rossi could get the plant into testing late in October and some weeks or months may go by before anyone issued a press release or makes news.

Factually, even though Mr. Rossi states ‘scientific journalists’ will attend, that doesn’t mean much, even though it could add to the hoopla.  What matters is an agreement by a reliable buyer with a responsible construction firm lined up to build a power facility.

This is still going to take a while, and it’s a very long way to small power stations with E-Cat power units.

Your humble writer still gives Mr. Rossi the benefit of the doubt.  Getting a technology of such a kind into the market is going to be a difficult and arduous effort. But its certain that Andrea Rossi to made of the right stuff to go further commercially than anyone has so far.  Best of luck to him and God’s Speed.


15 Comments so far

  1. MattMusson on August 8, 2011 7:29 AM

    Each new announcement of a ‘revolutionary new energy source’ fills me with hope and anticipation. Unfortunately, the initial optimism usually fades in the light of all the ‘temporary setbacks’ that keep it from ever coming to market.

    I still have my fingers crossed. But, I would not send Rossi a dime.

  2. Benjamin Cole on August 8, 2011 12:20 PM

    Does the word “baloney” mean anything to you?

  3. Brian Westenhaus on August 8, 2011 3:44 PM

    Yes, meat scraps, excess animal fat, salt and nitrate preservatives.

  4. Craig Binns on August 9, 2011 12:36 AM


    With excess animal fat you can make a tallow candle and get more energy from it than Rossi’s scam contraption is ever going to produce. Factories in Italy, factories in Greece, factories in the US, companies in Cyprus, delays, lawsuits – what does it take to get cryofusionists wised up?

    Even MattMusson’s optimism has started to fade. Isn’t that enough for you?

  5. Brian Westenhaus on August 9, 2011 2:15 AM

    Someday we’ll know beyond the mere substance of today. For now the substance for the E-Cat to somehow function outweighs the substance of the detractors. Let us know when you’re invited to a demonstration and can give us a firsthand observation.

    Meanwhile, remember emotions have little credence about prospects.

  6. Craig Binns on August 9, 2011 6:49 AM


    “Someday we’ll know beyond the mere substance of today. For now the substance for the E-Cat to somehow function outweighs the substance of the detractors.”

    What in heavens name are you raving about? The ecat is a physical device. It works or it doesn’t. I am a detractor: what does it mean to say that this contraption “outweighs” my “substance”?

  7. Brian Westenhaus on August 9, 2011 9:48 AM

    Hi Craig. The point is you nor I have been to a demonstration. Many of those who have think something worthwhile is happening. Those who don’t aren’t saying much. Without having been to a demo and opining as an expert seems a bit fraudulent.
    Put yourself in the place of the inventor and consider the range of issues from showing what you have to proving it works on to protecting your intellectual property while finding capital and offering a product someday.
    That’s a short list and the conflicts are obvious.
    I think many a good idea has died from management problems, capital problems and legal problems. Even more have died from personality and character problems. The scammers are most often those offering to help the inventor.
    You and I are on the bridge between the inventors of the future and the people of the world. I can’t prove the E-Cat works. I’m confident you can’t prove it doesn’t.
    But there is enough ‘substance’ to take interest and keep an eye out. Ask yourself if your conduct helps or hurts ideas getting closer to improving the world.

  8. MattMusson on August 9, 2011 7:54 AM

    I guess I am an optimist. I am still hoping that someday I will get 60,000 miles from my 60,000 mile steel belted radial tires!

  9. Craig Binns on August 9, 2011 8:18 PM


    “The point is you nor I have been to a demonstration. Many of those who have think something worthwhile is happening. Those who don’t aren’t saying much.”

    So you’ve not been reading Steve Krivit’s reports in New Energy News. He’s saying plenty.

    You’d confident I can’t prove the e-cat doesn’t work? So what? I don’t need to prove or disprove anything. It’s up to the promoter of a device to prove it works. That’s one of the fundamentals oh human reasoning. I can’t prove The Star Trek space warp doesn’t work. I can’t prove the god Thor doesn’t exist. That doesn’t mean these things are real.

    “Ask yourself if your conduct helps or hurts ideas getting closer to improving the world.” That’s crazy. Before an idea can improve the world, it has to be correct. Is it? That’s all I need to ask myself.

  10. Jerry Taylor on August 9, 2011 10:08 PM

    One of you guys is going to have to eat a lot of crow in the very near future. It will be interesting to see which. I am hoping it will be Craig, but no one knows for sure at this juncture…

  11. Craig Binns on August 9, 2011 11:18 PM


    That’s already in hand. For the eating of crow, and other things, see my exchanges with Mario the Tuscan Optimist at:
    https://newenergyandfuel.com/http:/newenergyandfuel/com/2011/03/09/updating-the-rossi-focardi-cold-fusion-reactor/#comments from June 23 to July 24.

  12. Eric Ashworth on August 10, 2011 7:44 PM

    Unfortunately to post a comment you do not need to pass an intelligence test. Anyway like most people I am unaware of the full facts behind the termination of the contract between Rossi and Defkelion but because of my own experiences with high level Canadian Government employees including Technology Assessment teams I would not recommend anyone with new technology, especially the type Rossi has, to have it appraised by such people. This is because tests can be conducted in two ways, either in the right way or the wrong way depending upon the desired outcome by those undertaking the tests. My advice to Andrea is to tread carefully and make sure these high level scientists conduct the tests exactly as laid down by yourself (this is probably not possible because of their rules but there is no harm in trying) otherwise I would tell them not to bother because if as, in my instance, they do the procedure in their own way you could end up with a bad negative report. Hope you read this Andrea and all the best.

  13. Eric Ashworth on August 10, 2011 9:11 PM

    Unfortunately you do not need to take an intelligence test to post a comment. Anyway I am like most people unaware of the full facts behind the termination of the contract between Rossi and Defkalion but because of my own experiences with high level Canadian Government employees including Technology Assessment teams I would not recommend anyone with new technology to have it appraised by such people. This is because tests can be conducted in two ways either in the right way or the wrong way depending upon the desired outcome by those undertaking the tests. My advice, for what it is worth, to Andrea is tread carefully and make sure these high level scientists conduct the tests exactly as laid down by yourself (this is probably not possible because of their rules but there is no harm in trying) otherwise I would tell them not to bother because if,as in my instance, they do the procedure in their own way you could end up with a bad negative report. Hope you read this Andrea and I wish you all the best.

  14. Craig Binns on August 12, 2011 2:00 AM

    Who cares about bad negative reports? Originally we were told that Rossi’s contraption WORKS and soon conventional narrow-minded hidebound academics would be eating crow.

    So bring it on, Andrea! The one that allegedly heated a factory in Ferrara for a year would do fine, unless you’ve inadvertently lost it, that is.

    Dear God! Intelligence tests? Simple common sense is all anyone needs to avoid obvious scams perpetrated by convicted gold smugglers and toxic waste polluters. But even this is clearly in short supply.

  15. Οι κυνηγοί της ψυχρής σύντηξης… στην Ελλάδα « physicsgg on November 26, 2011 2:36 PM

    […] first reactor, scheduled to be built for Defkalion in Greece, was mysteriously cancelled at the last minute by Rossi. Although initially no explanation was given, he recently made this (perhaps foolhardy) statement: […]

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