Hey, getting away from the calories and that bloated feeling? Need a little insight, satire and hope for the days to come with a bit of reversed viewing to get a little perspective on all of this? Well, the Dow Industrials is about a 1000 points over the recent daily lows, mortgage rates fell nearly a half point this week. The bottom is near. So since I will drive 6 hours today now that travel is affordable by car again, for a while at least, I’m offering up a couple links to tide you over until tomorrow’s amazing look at two more catalyst breakthroughs.

First up is Dan Gardner writing in the Ottawa Citizen his op-ed “Even The Good News Is Bad.” Satire remember? But Dan does a good job in reversing the point of view from the bad news, and the leavening he shares puts some cause for thanks in the day. You just have to think about it – and this year the personal view for many isn’t so great- as bad as it may seem it could be worse. And yet there are surely some good reasons to give a bit of thanks today, for everyone.

Next is John Morrissy writing for Canwest News Service on canada.com about Merrill Lynch strategist Steven Milunovich’s comments titled “World On Cusp Of Clean Tech Revolution: Merrill Lynch.” Morrissy covers in broad strokes what he’s picked out of the ML report. The story line is that about each 50 years or so a “revolution” in economics takes place starting a “golden age” based on the new technology and the transformations it drives. It’s a sound review, and includes a list at the end of the previous 5 “revolutions.” Morrissy draws on Carlota Perez, Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital somewhere, maybe one of her books. But in any case Milunovich is not someone to be overlooking when one gets a chance to hear what he’s thinking. It’s a link well worth you time. (If anyone finds the report let me know and I’ll add the link!)

As for me, well, I’m thankful for everyone who has stopped by this year. I hope we gave you some food for thought, hope for the coming years, amusement, insight, encouragement and little more know how than you had before you arrived. The comments are appreciated and the emails welcomed. I have done my best to include every suggestion made and hope my command of the language has improved, as it bugs some folks.

Be safe, be productive, and please come back. If any of these wishes comes true for you, then my Thanksgiving Day is a huge success.


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