Not long after the list posted I heard from M. Simon of who offered more links for Tom’s list. Having asked Tom, we’re a little chagrined to have overlooked this link, which is now added to the list. M. Simon enjoys high regard from Tom and his site is well worth adding to the menu of sites for looking into polywells, IEC fusion and the rest of the issues. M. Simon has a very good grasp of the technical aspect of Dr. Bussard’s work.

I wish to add that in addition to M. Simon’s work on the site, he also has a good link set that will add to any knowledge base. I won’t repeat it here, as multiple copies of text will move sites down on search engines, thus making it harder to do research quickly and efficiently.

If anyone else has additions, please let me know. I would happily set up a master link page in original text if people think it would be worthwhile.


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