Scientists have developed catalysts that can undergo 50,000 voltage cycles with a negligible decay in their catalytic activity and no apparent changes in their structure or elemental composition. The new catalysts containing platinum and lead could improve the efficiency of fuel cells – a promising technology for producing clean energy. The scientists from the U.S. […]

University of Delaware’s Yushan Yan believes that fuel-cell vehicles are the way to go, because they best preserve the advantages of gasoline automobiles. Fuel cells preserve the advantages of gasoline automobiles, with low upfront costs, long driving range and fast refueling. But he also believes a new fuel-cell technology may be necessary. The pathways to […]

A promising, recently identified photocatalytic new material is inexpensive graphitic carbon nitride. The hunt is on for the storage of photogenerated electric energy and its release on demand are still among the main obstacles in artificial photosynthesis. Scientists are now exploring a modified form of graphitic carbon nitride that can produce light-generated electrons and store […]

University of Texas at Austin researchers have mapped the lowest cost electricity generation by county for the lower 48 states. There aren’t many surprises. Natural gas and wind are said to be the lowest-cost technology options for new electricity generation across much of the U.S. when cost, public health impacts and environmental effects are considered. […]

University of Surrey researchers have found a ground-breaking development of technology that could revolutionize the capabilities of appliances that have previously relied on battery power to work. The development could translate into very high energy density supercapacitors making it possible to recharge your mobile phone, laptop or other mobile devices in just a few seconds. […]

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