We usually think of catalysts as metals, often the rare and expensive platinum.  So when chemists at Boston College announce they’ve designed a new class of organic molecule catalysts triggered by the charge of a single proton, one’s attention is seized.  The team reports in the most recent edition of the journal Nature the new […]

The matter we see around us such as houses and trees, people and pets, and all the stars and galaxies make up only a few percent of everything in our cosmos. If you could fill a bucket with the mass and the energy content of our universe, the visible matter would fill only a small […]

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UI) researchers have devised a method of making ferroelectric thin films with exceptional performance.  The new material has improved properties, but also has entirely new properties. Most notably, the films have a built-in electric field, called an intrinsic potential. This means that it can perform some functions without needing an […]

EEStor Lives!

February 11, 2013 | 6 Comments

Now two weeks out from a press release EEStor has met the goal of getting under the radar of the media.  A quick look at Google News finds almost nothing.  Still, the stockholders of Canada’s Zenn Motors are thrilled.  Zenn is a “hibernating” company now, as its electric car building has long since ceased.  The […]

Researchers at Aarhus and Aalborg University in cooperation with the firm Steeper Energy Ltd. have developed a new and innovative process that can efficiently convert “all kinds” of biomass to bio-crude oil.  Called HydroThermal Liquefaction (HTL), the process product is sufficiently similar to fossil crude oil that a simple thermal upgrade and existing refinery technology […]

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