Here’s the obligatory “Happy New Year!”  But what I really have in mind is a wish or prayer as you take it, for something more for you and your loved ones:

Good health.

Confidence and physical and financial security.

Easy emotions, care for goodness and quick relief for the bad.

Opportunities you’re ready for.

News that makes the world we live in a better place.

And a sense that all will be well.

May you and I have the power to act when we can and the sense to do the right thing.

Maybe its not a quick three word greeting – but that’s what comes to mind when I see your comment or the visitor log.

It’s going to be a good year.  We only have to make it so.



1 Comment so far

  1. voxelman on January 2, 2010 9:59 AM

    Here, here and back at you!

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