If even there was a more stupid result the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has said ‘greenhouse gases’, “threaten the public health and welfare of the American people” and that the pollutants, albeit mainly carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels, should be regulated under the Clean Air Act.  Given free reign from the U.S. Supreme Court, the bureaucrats have made their authority official.

Just remember you exhale CO2 with every breath, which in turn is inhaled by plants as their food.  Could a dumber idea be regulated?  Probably not, but idiocy knows no boundaries in politics and the hysterical press.

Left to regulators, we may die of CO2 poisoning, but it won’t be from inhaling, it would more likely be from prohibited or restricted exhaling.  If hysteria weren’t so saturated into the media and the ill educated and informed it would be high comedy.

But its not – its a man made disaster ignited, and we’re going to see it burn ravenously unless we stop it.  That ‘we’ means people not ill informed and educated – en mass.

It’s worse than people realize.  The media and press, the beauracracy, and the Congress are triangulating the economy.  As one deplorable excuse for ‘public servant’ Sen. John Kerry put it, “”The message to Congress is crystal clear: get moving.”

Maybe it could even be quadangulating.  Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, told The Associated Press on the eve of the U.N. climate conference in Copenhagen that by executive action, the Obama administration can boost the U.S. target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions beyond levels envisioned in legislation working its way through Congress.

Or is it pentangulation?  U.N., the administration, the media, the bureaucrats, and the Congress, yes that’s five fuses for an economy bomb, none with any sense.

However it’s being seen now, history will show the leadership and self proclaimed  “intelligentsia” of the human race as lemmings diving over the cliff.

If it wasn’t something to destruct an economy growing to provide decent standards of living of 6 plus billion human souls where most are still left out, it would be war, but the reasoned folks don’t seem to grasp how vicious the power and money grab is in this event.

They are out to destroy lifestyles, deconstruct the free economy for one of their design, and imprison you into their new economy.  Just how do people, plants, and the animals on the earth plan to adapt?  It’s a frightening unknown, but we do know that CO2, the food of plants, which are our food, is coming under direct attack.

So here is this writer’s comeback.  Humanity doesn’t know the optimal CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.  We don’t the too low or too high – at all.  We’re not even asking the question or the right questions.  But instinctively this writer’s response is – it’s probably not high enough yet.

We might want to take the position to keep going higher until those above noted questions have reliable answers.

Oh, lets not let anyone in the current climatology game play – their objectiveness is known to be biased, their honesty a fraud.  Start in new with the right questions and the right people; we are after all talking about the feeding of virtually everything.

It’s an important thing to worry about.  So where is the responsible science?  I guess they’re out there wondering what to do about the climatologists, and they’re getting another great big helping of science scheming dumped on them now.

Being in science leadership might get to be less than desirable as an career  – and that’s cause for grave worry as well.

Science has dragons to slay – lets try to help them out.


2 Comments so far

  1. Matt on December 8, 2009 7:39 AM

    I guess the Barak Obama really is as stupid and inexperienced as he appears to be. They say the real unemployment figures are around 17%. Well, say hello to 25% with these idiots at the helm.

  2. azakfhook on December 30, 2009 4:28 PM

    Good Day!!! newenergyandfuel.com is one of the most outstanding informational websites of its kind. I enjoy reading it every day. All the best.

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