Wind power got a boost midweek with the U.S. Department of Energy report that condensed to the bare headlines is suggesting that the U.S. is ready to get to 20% of electrical power generation from wind in 2030 or just 21 years out. It’s kind of a landmark to get such notice. A Federal Energy […]

This week saw the International Energy Administration release a statement that was picked up by the press agencies and pretty much overlooked by the mainstream press. The statement itself tries to differentiate the types of biofuels and the impacts of fuel production and food production. The statement points out that the “can do now” such […]

This sort of thing drives physicists nuts. Today we’ll look at another electric motor that is engineered and constructed so that the electricity coming in added to what I suppose must be some of the atomic magnetic force of the permanent magnets, is alleged to put out more power than goes in. These things have […]

Some popular pages here are those about the why the price of oil is so high. I haven’t updated with a new post as the fundamentals haven’t changed other than the U.S. Federal Reserve has increasingly moved to protect the major banks and their management and stockholders instead of the American people by crushing the […]

One blogger I admire is Robert Rapier who writes the R-Squared Blog who posted on Monday about the solar base of electricity needed to displace the equivalent of today’s gasoline use. It is an interesting concept that is rife with problems of equivalency. The U.S. is reported to be going through 389 million gallons of […]

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