Hydrogen Fuel Pellets

August 23, 2007 | 1 Comment

The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Monday issued a news release about research that offers the possibility of hydrogen fuel pellets. The news release is quoting Dave Heldebrant and Don Camaioni. See:


The goal of the research is stated as coming up with methods to safely store, dispense and reload the storage carrier. Their product is a small pellet of solid ammonia borane or AB (a 240-milligram pellet) that is “capable of storing a relatively large quantities of hydrogen (0.5liter) in a very small volume.” They aren’t saying at what pressure or temperature that .05-liter is measured. Perhaps they mean room temperature and sea level? On the other hand the release says “varying the temperature and manipulating the AB feed rates” are the means the researches use to throttle the release of the hydrogen from the pellets.

The release goes on the say that the AB “must be safely and efficiently regenerated . . . (by) chemically . . . breaking down the solid spent fuel into chemicals that can be recycled back to AB with (a load of) hydrogen.

There is a pretty interesting fundamental storage medium here if the working methods and production recycling-reloading matters can be made economical. It’s sure worth a review. I’ll be emailing for more information and will post more if anything noteworthy from the researcher’s presentations is made available.


1 Comment so far

  1. Talisha Tanen on May 26, 2011 8:56 AM

    I would like to say “wow” what a inspiring post. This is really great. Keep doing what you’re doing!!

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